Creating art to deal with life is what I have been doing my entire life.
From a very young age engaging in the creative process be it with crayons and paper, chalk on the sidewalk, cutting and pasting, modeling clay, or painting has helped me to deal with living in this human existence.
As a visual learner I was constantly doodling in class through out my student years. Even when I myself became the teacher at staff meetings I would be taking notes and doodling.
Due to the way that my brain works it is in the creating that I learn and retain information. It is also my way of processing not only all the happenings around me, but also how I process all the emotions.
It has taken many decades for me to learn that as humans we are made to feel a myriad of various emotions at the same time.
This can be overwhelming, but we can train ourselves to ride the waves of emotions and take advantage of the ride to create art that in being meaningful to us will resonate with others.
The act of engaging in the creative process creates space for mindfulness. In the act of creating I stay present to the moment of now.
Worries and anxieties take a backseat as I am focused on letting source create through me.
Sometimes the result is pleasing to the eye and sometimes it is not, but in the process itself, I find beauty.
The abstract paibting shown below is an artwork in progress. For me, the start of a new painting is the most exciting because the main goal is to cover the canvas with paint.
This piece is inspired by autumn colors. Currently this art piece is in my home artits’s studio.
Covering the canvas with red, orange, yellow, and purple paint I found myself in the present moment, enjoying the feeling of starting something new.
Some works of art need time to develop others are completed very quickly.
Ella es Cielo/ She is Sky took a long time to be completed.
This piece was one of my first palette knife paintings. No paint brushes were used in the making of this art work.
I had added melted plastic, thinking it would be a mixed media piece, but finally the plastic was taken off and more paint put on the canvas.
Here she is in all her glory: Ella es Cielo/ She is Sky is my impression of a gorgeous autumn day with its amazing colors and bright blue shy. She is the sky, she is everything.